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Contenido más reciente:

8 de marzo de 2012

Workshop on Geometric Morphometrics, Delhi. 2012

16th January 2012
Workshop on Geometric Morphometrics
A 10-day International Workshop on “Geometric Morphometrics (GM)” will be held
at CEMDE in the second half of March 2012. The workshop will include lectures and
practicals in the application of GM in addressing problems in systematics and
biodiversity. Prof F. J. Rohlf (Professor emeritus, Stony Brook University, USA) will
be a major resource person. If interested in attending, please apply in the format given
below, including a brief account of the research question you would like to address. The
research problem will be an important criterion for selection.
Last date of receipt of application: 15 February 2012
Ph.D. scholars, post-doctoral fellows, university and college teachers, and scientists
working at National institutes and government and non-government organizations are
encouraged to apply.
Selected candidates will be entitled to TA (2nd class rail fare) and free local hospitality
(lodging and boarding) will be provided.
All communications should be addressed to: The Convener, Workshop on Geometric
Morphometrics, Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems
(CEMDE), University of Delhi, Delhi-110007. e-mail:
APPLICATION FORMAT (attach brief Curriculum Vitae)
Phone, e-mail address
Qualifications and Field of specialization
Participant’s Declaration: I shall fully involve myself in all the activities of the workshop
during its tenure
Place Signature of Participant
Recommendation of Supervisor/Head of Department (Please state the suitability of the
candidate for the workshop and utility to the Organization)
Place Signature & Seal
Supervisor/Head of Department

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