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24 de agosto de 2011

Morphometrics workshop, Santiago, Chile

A Morphometrics workshop will be held at the Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile from October 24 to 26, 2011.
The aim of this 3-days workshop is to provide the opportunity to undergraduate and postgraduate students from Anthropology, Archaeology and Biomedical Sciences from Chilean and South-American universities to attend lectures dictated by worldwide recognized researchers in quantitative analysis of shape: Professor Paul O’Higgins from University of York, Dr. Chris Klingenberg from University of Manchester, and Dr. Martin Friess, from MNHN, Paris.
The workshop is limited to 20 participants and is free of charge.
Please send applications to: and
Attendees are expected to have previous experience using geometric morphometrics. By the end of the workshop students will present (10-15 minutes, power point aid) the skills they developed applied to their own projects.
Applications must be received by SEPTEMBER 30th 2011 to receive full consideration. Applications must include a short research description (up to 500 words) and a plan of their presentation in power point (maximum three figures summarizing their research topic).
The language of the conference will be English.
Further details on the workshop may be found at: Thanks,
Dr. Felipe Martinez L.
Lecturer in Biological Anthropology,
ISUC Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

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