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25 de octubre de 2011

Third UK One-Day Meeting on Morphometrics and Statistical Shape Analysis

Third UK One-Day Meeting on
Morphometrics and Statistical Shape Analysis

York, 6th January 2012

Following on from the success of the first two meetings held in Manchester in 2009 and Canterbury in 2010, we are pleased to announce the programme for the third meeting to be held in York.

Morphometric analyses are now widely used in biological and medical research, and new approaches to shape analysis are continually being developed and refined by statisticians.

Given the sizeable communities of both biologists and statisticians interested in shape analysis in the UK, this meeting aims to provide a stimulating forum for cross-disciplinary engagement between researchers. As such, we hope that the meeting will be an opportunity to showcase some recent research developments and stimulate new collaborative projects at the interface of statistics and the life sciences .


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