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Contenido más reciente:

9 de julio de 2011

Course Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics, Barcelona

The course is entitled to teach the main concepts of shape analysis based on landmark coordinates and its multivariate procedures, and how they can be put into practice across any biological discipline in which the phenotype (form) and its variation are the principal sources of information.

Instructors: Dr. Jesús Marugán-Lobón, Dra Soledad De Esteban, Dr. Sergi Almécija

Course requirements: Graduate or Postgraduate in Biological Sciences, basic knowledge in Statistics and in personal computers. Personal laptop is recommended (Windows, Mac & Linux).

Language: English

Date: September 7-9, 2011


Organized by

Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont

Course Coordinator

Soledad De Esteban Trivigno

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