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19 de noviembre de 2009

'Hobbits' are a new human species, according to statistical analysis of fossils

'Hobbits' are a new human species, according to statistical analysis of fossils

Researchers from Stony Brook University Medical Center in New York have confirmed that Homo floresiensis is a genuine ancient human species and not a descendant of healthy humans dwarfed by disease. Using statistical analysis on skeletal remains of a well-preserved female specimen, researchers determined the "hobbit" to be a distinct species and not a genetically flawed version of modern humans.

"New statistical analysis confirms that the recently discovered human-like 'hobbit' -- Homo floresiensis -- is a genuine ancient human species and not a descendant of healthy humans dwarfed by disease."

William Jungers and Karen Baab. The geometry of hobbits: Homo floresiensis and human evolution. Significance, Published Online November 19, 2009; Print Issue Date: December 2009 DOI: 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2009.00389.x

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