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20 de septiembre de 2008

Big turn-out for annual Geometric Morphometrics Summer Shourtcourse

News, Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley, Published September 16, 2008

For nearly ten years the Department of Integrative Biology has been hosting a summer shortcourse in geometric morphometrics, a powerful method for quantitatively describing and analyzing shape and shape changes in organisms. The ongoing popularity of the course is likely a reflection of the many and varied research applications of geometric morphometrics; it can be used to track and compare changes within organisms’ lifetimes (development and ontogeny), how organisms’ shapes are related to their environment and their role in that environment (ecomorphology), or how shape changes through time within lineages (evolution), just to name a few.

This year’s course, held June 23-27 and organized by IB / UC Museum of Paleontology graduate students Jenny McGuire and Katie Brakora, and undergraduate Alumna Lily Li, was one of the largest to date. The 22 Participants ranged in experience from undergraduate researchers to practicing scientists, and hailed from the departments of Integrative Biology and Environmental Science Policy and Management, the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, the Herbarium, the UC Museum of Paleontology - and even California State University, Chico.

It was taught by Drs. Miriam Zelditch and Donald Swiderski from the University of Michigan, two of the world’s leading experts in geometric morphometrics. They focused their morning lectures on the mathematical theory underlying the methodology, and guided students through afternoon software tutorials.

"We're always delighted to teach the course, but it is more fun when there's enough people to reach a critical mass for asking questions and making lab active," said Dr. Zelditch of this year’s high turnout. When asked about the future of the course, she responded, "we'll continue to teach it for as long as students want to take it."

The Geometric Morphometrics Summer Shortcourse is made possible by generous funding from IB, the UCMP, the MVZ and the Herbarium.

1 comentario:

  1. Primero quiero comentarles que me parece muy interesante su blog y como lo estan actualizando continuamente, quiero pedirles de favor si me pueden ayudar a encontrar bibliografia pdf, sobre morfometría lineal y con análisis de fourier, el hecho es que tengo que preparar mi examen predoctoral "identificación de grupos poblacionales a través del análisis de forma" y quiero abordarlo con las herramientas relacionadas, pero tengo muy pocos trabajos con las técnicas que les comente anteriormente, y me seria de gran ayuda tener articulos con aplicaciones y libros que pudiese consultar sobre las ventajas y desventajas de cada una de las técnicas.
    actualmente, estoy haciendo el doctorado en ciencias marinas en CICIMAR-IPN, La Paz, BCS. y estoy trabajando con sierra del Pacífico, utilizando la forma del otolito con M. Geométrica hemos identificado 4 stocks en el Pacífico Mexicano, esto tiene como consecuencia que podemos hacer recomendaciones que la evaluación pesquera y las medidas de manejo de este recurso sean dirigidas según las caracteristicas de cada uno de los stocks, ya que en México no se conoce mucho del recurso y es donde se extrae el 75% de la captura del Pacífico oriental.
    bueno el comercial anterior era para enterarlos sobre lo que trabajo, espero me puedan ayudar, gracias y saludos.


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