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4 de marzo de 2021

Curso online “Geometric Morphometrics for Beginners” del 17 al 21 de mayo, 2021

Ya está abierta la inscripción al curso “Geometric Morphometrics for Beginners”, organizado por Transmitting Science. Este curso se impartirá de manera telemática.

Fechas y horario: del 17 al 21 de mayo de 2021. Las sesiones en directo serán de las 14:00 a las 19:00 (GMT+2, Madrid time zone). 

22.5 horas.

Profesorado: Jesús Marugán (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España) y Soledad De Esteban (Transmitting Science, España)

Resumen del curso (en inglés, que será el idioma en el que se imparta el curso):

The world around us is a space-time mosaic where forms evolve, constantly change and interact with each other. Geometric morphometry is a digital morphological analysis tool that allows addressing biological key questions, such as shape transformation (variation) and the result of its interaction (covariation) with the physical environment, with an unprecedented analytical resolution.

In this course, these concepts will be explained in a simple and practical way. To do this, basic aspects such as the biological and geometric concept of landmark and semi-landmark configurations will be reviewed, the available comparative methodologies will be compared, and basic multivariate statistical methods will be put into practice that allow addressing biological problems at any scale of complexity, making special emphasis on visualization and interpretation of form variation.

This course is introductory, and is aimed at advanced degree students and graduates of all areas related to the biological sciences.

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