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11 de mayo de 2020

Curso 3D Geometric Morphometrics (24-28 de Agosto), ONLINE

Estimad@s colegas,

Ya está abierta la inscripción para la 9ª edición del curso de Transmitting Science "3D Geometric Morphometrics". Debido a las restricciones a los viajes impuestas por el COVID-19 esta edición se ofertará online en directo.

Fechas: Del 24 al 28 de agosto de 2020

Profesora: Dra Melissa Tallman (Grand Valley State University, USA).

Más información y matrícula:

Programa del curso (en inglés, que será el idioma en el que se impartirá el curso):

-Types of data acquisition: Using a microscribe. Collecting CT scans & Surface Scans. Demonstration of Stratovan Checkpoint.

-Brief Review of Fundamentals of Morphometrics: How to choose landmarks. - Generalized Procrustes Analysis. Other types of alignment. Thin plate spline warping.

-Processing Microscribe data: Using DVLR to merge two views. Using resample to resample a line.

-Using Landmark Editor to collect data on surfaces. Sliding semi-landmarks (using R geomorph package).

-How to do a precision test on 3D data.

-Data exploration: PCA analyses. Using MorphoJ. Between-group PCAs. PCAs in Procrustes form space.

-Visualizing shape change: Using MorphoJ in conjunction with Landmark Editor. Making calculations and visualizing shape changes in PCA morphospace. Calculating PCA scores post hoc.

-Data exploration: Regressions. Visualizing change that is associated with size (MorphoJ). Removing change associated from size from your data (MorphoJ). Common allometric trajectories. Comparing vector directions. Extracting linear dimensions from 3D data and using them as covariates.

-Data exploration: PLS analyses. Using MorphoJ to mean center (or not). Visualizing shape change in Landmark editor.

-Data interpretations: Using mean configurations (PAST) and Procrustes distances. Minimum spanning trees. Variability within a sample (comparing fossil distributions to extant distributions).

Por favor, distribuya esta información entre aquellas personas que considere que pueden estar interesadas.

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