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26 de junio de 2019

LMs4TNT: Java tool to convert xy coordinates to a TNT data block

I am glad to make available a Java program that reads “x, y” coordinates of landmarks and semilandmarks from each specimen (tps or row format), estimates means for each group, and writes blocks of terminal names and the coordinates with the corresponding commands as required by TNT phylogenetic software.

You can download "jt4tnt.class" at the following URL:
Please note that “jt4tnt.class” is a java tool, thus it is platform independent. This program requires Java 6 or later (Java 1.6). Runs from your system command window writing a command line with several expressions separated by a space.

As an example, the following command line will read 300 configurations in a tps file “my300configs.tps”, will calculate means for 10 groups according to the labels in “membership10spp.txt”, and will write these in the output file “my10spp.txt” with all necessary TNT commands:
>java jt4tnt -i my300configs.tps -o my10spp.txt -m membership10spp.tx
There is more info on examples, input data file formats, membership list file, and output files in the website.

I guess you can cite this tool as:
Sandria, J. & E. De Luna. LMs4TNT, Java tool to convert xy coordinates to a TNT data block. jt4tnt v1.0, jan/21/2016. url: (date accessed: xxxxxxx).

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