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23 de junio de 2024

Curso online en directo Introducción al análisis de la disparidad morfológica


Estimad@s colegas,


Me alegra poder anunciar una nueva edición del curso de Transmitting Science “Introduction to the Analysis of Morphological Disparity”. El curso será impartido en inglés.


Si estáis trabajando con datos morfológicos, este curso os dará las herramientas para analizar y comparar morfologías de una manera cuantitativa.


Profesorado: Dr. Thomas Smith (University of Oxford, UK).


Horario: Sesiones en directo el 20, 22, 24, 27, y 29 de noviembre de 2023, de 13:00 a 18:00 (Zona horaria de Madrid).


Resumen del curso (en el idioma del mismo):

Analyses of morphological disparity provide unique perspectives of evolutionary history, quantifying the anatomical variety of clades and its fluctuation through time. This course will provide an in-depth overview of the different types of data and methods that underpin these analyses and give participants the necessary skills and understanding to apply them to their own research questions.

Across five days, we will cover the advantages and disadvantages of different types of morphological data in analyses of disparity, the range of distance metrics than can be used to quantify intertaxon dissimilarity, and the ordination methods that can be used to reduce dimensionality and facilitate interpretation. How the resulting patterns in disparity can be visualised, quantified, and interpreted with nuance will also be covered at length.

This course will be predominantly practical but will include some theoretical lectures to provide a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of distance metric calculation and ordination. How different types of morphological data are derived will also be discussed but will not be included in the practical component of the course. 

All analyses will be conducted in R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics ( These analyses will use functions from a variety of packages including ape, geiger, phytools, phangorn, Claddis, dispRity, vegan, and geomorph.

 We will provide a selection of model datasets for participants to use during the practical components of the course. However, we encourage attendees to bring their own datasets so that they can gain experience tailoring the techniques this course will introduce to their own analytical needs right away.

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19 de septiembre de 2023

Curso online: Geometric Morphometrics for Beginners, 22 al 26 de enero, 2024


Ya está abierta la inscripción para el curso “Geometric Morphometrics for Beginners. Este curso se realizará en online directo. Máximo 18 participantes.


Fechas: Del 22 al 26 de enero de 2024 de 15:00 a 17:00 y de 17:30 a 20:00 (horario de Madrid).

Instructor: Dr. Jesús Marugán-Lobón (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España).

Idioma del curso: inglés.

RESUMEN DEL CURSO (en inglés porque es el idioma en que se impartirá)

The world around us is a space-time mosaic where forms evolve, constantly change and interact with each other. Geometric morphometry is a digital morphological analysis tool that allows addressing biological key questions, such as shape transformation (variation) and the result of its interaction (covariation) with the physical environment, with an unprecedented analytical resolution.

In this course, these concepts will be explained in a simple and practical way. To do this, basic aspects such as the biological and geometric concept of landmark and semi-landmark configurations will be reviewed, the available comparative methodologies will be compared, and basic multivariate statistical methods will be put into practice that allow addressing biological problems at any scale of complexity, making special emphasis on visualization and interpretation of form variation.

This course is introductory, and is aimed at advanced degree students and graduates of all areas related to the biological sciences.


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9 de agosto de 2023

Curso online en directo Introducción al análisis de la disparidad morfológica, 20-29 de noviembre, 2023


Estimad@s colegas,


Me alegra poder anunciar el nuevo curso de Transmitting Science “Introduction to the Analysis of Morphological Disparity”. El curso será impartido en inglés.


Profesorado: Dr. Thomas Smith (University of Oxford, UK).


Horario: Sesiones en directo el 20, 22, 24, 27, y 29 de noviembre de 2023, de 13:00 a 18:00 (Zona horaria de Madrid).


Resumen del curso (en el idioma del mismo)

Analyses of morphological disparity provide unique perspectives of evolutionary history, quantifying the anatomical variety of clades and its fluctuation through time. This course will provide an in-depth overview of the different types of data and methods that underpin these analyses and give participants the necessary skills and understanding to apply them to their own research questions.

Across five days, we will cover the advantages and disadvantages of different types of morphological data in analyses of disparity, the range of distance metrics than can be used to quantify intertaxon dissimilarity, and the ordination methods that can be used to reduce dimensionality and facilitate interpretation. How the resulting patterns in disparity can be visualised, quantified, and interpreted with nuance will also be covered at length.

This course will be predominantly practical but will include some theoretical lectures to provide a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of distance metric calculation and ordination. How different types of morphological data are derived will also be discussed but will not be included in the practical component of the course. All analyses will be conducted in R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics ( These analyses will use functions from a variety of packages including ape, geiger, phytools, phangorn, Claddis, dispRity, vegan, and geomorph.

We will provide a selection of model datasets for participants to use during the practical components of the course. However, we encourage attendees to bring their own datasets so that they can gain experience tailoring the techniques this course will introduce to their own analytical needs right away.


Podéis chequear más información e inscripciones aquí:


12 de abril de 2023

ONSITE! Course on Geometrics Morphometrics, July 3-7, Sabadell, Barcelona (Spain)


Onsite courses are back!


Transmitting Science is organizing an ONSITE course on Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics.


Dates and place: July 3rd-7th, 2023, Museum of the Institut Català de Paleontologia M. C. (Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain).

Instructor: Dr. Chris Klingenberg (Manchester University, UK).

This course is entitled to teach the main concepts of shape analysis based on landmark coordinates and its multivariate procedures, and how they can be put into practice across any biological discipline in which the phenotype (form) and its variation are the principal sources of information.

Software that will be used during the course: MorphoJ, TPS, ImageJ.

More information: or writing to

23 de marzo de 2023

Geometric Morphometrics course with Dr Carmelo Fruciano (CNR, IT)

¡Aún hay lugares disponibles!

Se realizará en línea del 17 al 21 de abril.

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